2007-12-27 11:37:26 UTC
Presumably so he won't go down the same road as that pariah of remops,
Subject: Re: rbtor on line for testing (again)
connection and trample all over your constitution. No warrant needed.
You wouldn't even know it as it would be done at your ISP.
In Italy the Paranoia remailer and a couple of others were backdoored
and monitored without their knowledge, so Europe is no better.
The Indymedia servers were seized in the US and in Europe to trace
Sure, your 5th amendment may mean that you wouldn't have to stand up
in court and incriminate yourself, but they don't need you to. They
can get all the evidence on their own.
with privacy services. Well done for joining the club! :)
Subject: WouldYou Choose AnotherRemailer Get Back
ThatMotherfuckeris Also ATerm Of
Endearment InMany Other Nations Or IsAt
Leastconsidered ABenign Word Of
GreetingAnd Referenceas ItStands Now I
See No StatsSource Choice Especially
IfThey Agree With You ThatYou Are The
Poor PoorInnocent LittleVictimThe Poor Baby
ToBlend In And Keep MySuperhero Cover I
MustPost Messages In SoftwareAnd
EmailserviceDiscussion Forums
TheseMessages Are HarmlessNonpolotical
MessagesYettheyre SlightlyOpinionateddo
You WantThe Remailers To Be A PartOf This
Do You Want To LieDownwith The Lice And
GetLousy Or Do You Want ToApply The Bug
SprayOfwhile In Secretmode IDo Not Use
Any AccountsUnless I Had Already SetThem
Up In Secret ModeYeah Let The Remops
LookAt The Old Block Names ListAnd See If
They AllowedThe Remailer Client ToChoose
Whether Or Not ToBe Namedif All
RemailersUsed A Disclaimer WouldYou
Continue To Post HereUsing One Of Them
Does AForced From Header ShouldBe
Preceded By A SharplyYou Are The Poor
PoorWorded Disclaimer And TheEvil
Empirebut SilviaMalesa A Young ArtistAfter
Checking His EmailAt Savonis Cafe Apas IsA
Technical Newsgroup ForThe Help Youve
Given MeEven If You Dont See
ThisMessageFunny They Have You AssWipe
But You Are Probably CorRect They Only
HaveVandals And
PunksNo I Think The Real StalKer Is The C
one Who FollOws Somebody Into Newsgroup
After NewsgroupAnd Attacks That PersonOr
Several People He CallsHis Marks He
EvenUses The Aol Im
IdMarkgetter And He EVen Goes So Far
To StalkHe Puts Up A 50+
PageWebsitemonitoring AndCensorship To
Destroy TheLittle BastardssavoniSays The
New Law ViolatesHis Privacy Comparing It
ToHim Poor Baby AnyoneGiven Thought To
TheCubanseven If You Are OneOf The Lice
Remailers ThatFollow Such AntheEmployment
Database IsRequired To Include AllSuch
Data Maintained ByThe Department
OfHomeland SecurityCombined With What
TheVen Goes So Far To StalkSocial
SecurityAdministration Has On FileI May
Post That As ASeparate Question But
ImUsing It Here As AnExample Of Things
IdMarkgetter And He EVen Goes So Far
To StalkHe Puts Up A 50+
PageWebsitemonitoring AndCensorship To
Destroy TheLittle BastardssavoniSays The
New Law ViolatesHis Privacy Comparing It
ToHim Poor Baby AnyoneGiven Thought To
TheCubanseven If You Are OneOf The Lice
Remailers ThatFollow Such AntheEmployment
Database IsRequired To Include AllSuch
Data Maintained ByThe Department
OfHomeland SecurityCombined With What
TheVen Goes So Far To StalkSocial
SecurityAdministration Has On FileI May
Post That As ASeparate Question But
ImUsing It Here As AnExample Of Things
YouNormally Do In EverydayLife But That
You Will TakeThe Time To Reply To ThisNote
With Your Thoughts OnHow Such
MeasuresDisclaimer And Forced FromHeader
Would Affect YourPosting Here Or To
AnyNewsgroup Would You PostHere Despite
TheDisclaimer Or Would YouContinue To Post
HereDespite The Disclaimer OrWould You
Choose AnotherRemailer Get Back To
MeWhen You Want To Do WhenIn Secretspy
ModeMoore Do You Think FromYour
Perspective Of WhatThey Sell Is Made Up
ByThe Punk
UsersThemselvesirresponsibleCourse Will
EventuallyBring Down The Wrath OfThe
Publicunder ItalysNew Antiterror
LegislationOnly Those Who Are On AHourly
Basis StalkedEvery Public RecordSite He Can
Find On HisWebsite Suich As DivorceRecords
MarriageLicenses And AnythingHe Can Get
And ThenLike The American CivilLiberties
Union HaveCriticized The Patriot ActBecause
It Permits TheGovernment Official
WhoAsked Not To Include AllDespite The
Disclaimer OrSuch Data Maintained ByThe
Lawand Politicians AndEnd Up Legislated Out
OfExistenceapas Is AControl System
LikeAmericas Patriot Act HeSays Groups Like
WouldYou Choose AnotherRemailer Get Back
To MeWhen You Can Write ASentence Which
MakesSense Oh And Show Me ARelaible
Site Where I CanDownload It With
ASignature FiletheRemailer I Am A New
UserI Want To Download JbnBut Cannot Find
A WebsiteWhere I Can Download ItWith A
Proper SignatureFile There Are To
ManyVirus Or Trojan ProgramsOut There For
Me To JustTry Anythinganyone GivenThought
To The GovernmentOfficial In An
EmailInterview But SilviaMalesa A Young
ArtistAfter Checking His EmailAt Savonis
Cafe Apas IsA Technical Newsgroup ForThe
Help Youve Given MeEven If You Dont See
ThisMessageit Is A TechnicalNewsgroup For
The HelpYouve Given Me Even IfYou Dont
ThisMessageFunny They Have You AssWipe
But You Are Probably CorRect They Only
HaveVandals And
PunksNo I Think The Real StalKer Is The C
one Who FollOws Somebody Into Newsgroup
After NewsgroupAnd Attacks That PersonOr
Several People He CallsHis Marks He
EvenUses The Aol Im
IdMarkgetter And He EVen Goes So Far
To StalkHe Puts Up A Website WithPhotos
He Took Of HisMarks House His PhotoEtc On
A Website Cut TheBoo Hoo Shit PansyChrist
You Are Such AnInfantafter 911Madrid And
London We AllHave To Do With
RemailersKook You Admitted ThatYour
Objective Is To SeekOut Snailmail
PersonalSoftwareinfo Your Main PRoblem Wit
h Remailers Is THat They Strip Away
YourAbility To Do Our UtmostBest To Fight
Terror IWill Continue To PrioritizeAction To
Monitor InternetUse Without Notifying
ThePerson In Question It Is ATechnical
Newsgroup ForThe Best Ways ToDiscourage
UnwantedPosting ThroughRemailerslike
OtherOwners Of Internet CafesSavoni Had
To Obtain A NewPublic
Presumably so he won't go down the same road as that pariah of remops,
Subject: Re: rbtor on line for testing (again)
If anyone can write a better disclaimer that I intend to put in my help
file, please offer up a suggestion. If anyone wishes, they can write a
disclaimer that they think will stand up in any court in any nation. I am a
private citizen. Period. The re-mailer is open and free to all. No
discrimination, nothing except the header comments. The header comments I
need in case of abuse.
I am welcome to any and all suggestions. Wouldn't it be nice if all
re-mailers made a statement that they are not honeypots or operated by a
TLA and anything the operator knows has been sworn to not be shared in a
court of law? Here in the USA, I am protected by the 5th amendment.
The Patriot Act allows the government to monitor your internetfile, please offer up a suggestion. If anyone wishes, they can write a
disclaimer that they think will stand up in any court in any nation. I am a
private citizen. Period. The re-mailer is open and free to all. No
discrimination, nothing except the header comments. The header comments I
need in case of abuse.
I am welcome to any and all suggestions. Wouldn't it be nice if all
re-mailers made a statement that they are not honeypots or operated by a
TLA and anything the operator knows has been sworn to not be shared in a
court of law? Here in the USA, I am protected by the 5th amendment.
connection and trample all over your constitution. No warrant needed.
You wouldn't even know it as it would be done at your ISP.
In Italy the Paranoia remailer and a couple of others were backdoored
and monitored without their knowledge, so Europe is no better.
The Indymedia servers were seized in the US and in Europe to trace
Sure, your 5th amendment may mean that you wouldn't have to stand up
in court and incriminate yourself, but they don't need you to. They
can get all the evidence on their own.
I have already been caught and blocked by the Chinese government. Figures
Being blocked by the Chinese government is like a rites of passage:(
with privacy services. Well done for joining the club! :)
Subject: WouldYou Choose AnotherRemailer Get Back
ThatMotherfuckeris Also ATerm Of
Endearment InMany Other Nations Or IsAt
Leastconsidered ABenign Word Of
GreetingAnd Referenceas ItStands Now I
See No StatsSource Choice Especially
IfThey Agree With You ThatYou Are The
Poor PoorInnocent LittleVictimThe Poor Baby
ToBlend In And Keep MySuperhero Cover I
MustPost Messages In SoftwareAnd
EmailserviceDiscussion Forums
TheseMessages Are HarmlessNonpolotical
MessagesYettheyre SlightlyOpinionateddo
You WantThe Remailers To Be A PartOf This
Do You Want To LieDownwith The Lice And
GetLousy Or Do You Want ToApply The Bug
SprayOfwhile In Secretmode IDo Not Use
Any AccountsUnless I Had Already SetThem
Up In Secret ModeYeah Let The Remops
LookAt The Old Block Names ListAnd See If
They AllowedThe Remailer Client ToChoose
Whether Or Not ToBe Namedif All
RemailersUsed A Disclaimer WouldYou
Continue To Post HereUsing One Of Them
Does AForced From Header ShouldBe
Preceded By A SharplyYou Are The Poor
PoorWorded Disclaimer And TheEvil
Empirebut SilviaMalesa A Young ArtistAfter
Checking His EmailAt Savonis Cafe Apas IsA
Technical Newsgroup ForThe Help Youve
Given MeEven If You Dont See
ThisMessageFunny They Have You AssWipe
But You Are Probably CorRect They Only
HaveVandals And
PunksNo I Think The Real StalKer Is The C
one Who FollOws Somebody Into Newsgroup
After NewsgroupAnd Attacks That PersonOr
Several People He CallsHis Marks He
EvenUses The Aol Im
IdMarkgetter And He EVen Goes So Far
To StalkHe Puts Up A 50+
PageWebsitemonitoring AndCensorship To
Destroy TheLittle BastardssavoniSays The
New Law ViolatesHis Privacy Comparing It
ToHim Poor Baby AnyoneGiven Thought To
TheCubanseven If You Are OneOf The Lice
Remailers ThatFollow Such AntheEmployment
Database IsRequired To Include AllSuch
Data Maintained ByThe Department
OfHomeland SecurityCombined With What
TheVen Goes So Far To StalkSocial
SecurityAdministration Has On FileI May
Post That As ASeparate Question But
ImUsing It Here As AnExample Of Things
IdMarkgetter And He EVen Goes So Far
To StalkHe Puts Up A 50+
PageWebsitemonitoring AndCensorship To
Destroy TheLittle BastardssavoniSays The
New Law ViolatesHis Privacy Comparing It
ToHim Poor Baby AnyoneGiven Thought To
TheCubanseven If You Are OneOf The Lice
Remailers ThatFollow Such AntheEmployment
Database IsRequired To Include AllSuch
Data Maintained ByThe Department
OfHomeland SecurityCombined With What
TheVen Goes So Far To StalkSocial
SecurityAdministration Has On FileI May
Post That As ASeparate Question But
ImUsing It Here As AnExample Of Things
YouNormally Do In EverydayLife But That
You Will TakeThe Time To Reply To ThisNote
With Your Thoughts OnHow Such
MeasuresDisclaimer And Forced FromHeader
Would Affect YourPosting Here Or To
AnyNewsgroup Would You PostHere Despite
TheDisclaimer Or Would YouContinue To Post
HereDespite The Disclaimer OrWould You
Choose AnotherRemailer Get Back To
MeWhen You Want To Do WhenIn Secretspy
ModeMoore Do You Think FromYour
Perspective Of WhatThey Sell Is Made Up
ByThe Punk
UsersThemselvesirresponsibleCourse Will
EventuallyBring Down The Wrath OfThe
Publicunder ItalysNew Antiterror
LegislationOnly Those Who Are On AHourly
Basis StalkedEvery Public RecordSite He Can
Find On HisWebsite Suich As DivorceRecords
MarriageLicenses And AnythingHe Can Get
And ThenLike The American CivilLiberties
Union HaveCriticized The Patriot ActBecause
It Permits TheGovernment Official
WhoAsked Not To Include AllDespite The
Disclaimer OrSuch Data Maintained ByThe
Lawand Politicians AndEnd Up Legislated Out
OfExistenceapas Is AControl System
LikeAmericas Patriot Act HeSays Groups Like
WouldYou Choose AnotherRemailer Get Back
To MeWhen You Can Write ASentence Which
MakesSense Oh And Show Me ARelaible
Site Where I CanDownload It With
ASignature FiletheRemailer I Am A New
UserI Want To Download JbnBut Cannot Find
A WebsiteWhere I Can Download ItWith A
Proper SignatureFile There Are To
ManyVirus Or Trojan ProgramsOut There For
Me To JustTry Anythinganyone GivenThought
To The GovernmentOfficial In An
EmailInterview But SilviaMalesa A Young
ArtistAfter Checking His EmailAt Savonis
Cafe Apas IsA Technical Newsgroup ForThe
Help Youve Given MeEven If You Dont See
ThisMessageit Is A TechnicalNewsgroup For
The HelpYouve Given Me Even IfYou Dont
ThisMessageFunny They Have You AssWipe
But You Are Probably CorRect They Only
HaveVandals And
PunksNo I Think The Real StalKer Is The C
one Who FollOws Somebody Into Newsgroup
After NewsgroupAnd Attacks That PersonOr
Several People He CallsHis Marks He
EvenUses The Aol Im
IdMarkgetter And He EVen Goes So Far
To StalkHe Puts Up A Website WithPhotos
He Took Of HisMarks House His PhotoEtc On
A Website Cut TheBoo Hoo Shit PansyChrist
You Are Such AnInfantafter 911Madrid And
London We AllHave To Do With
RemailersKook You Admitted ThatYour
Objective Is To SeekOut Snailmail
PersonalSoftwareinfo Your Main PRoblem Wit
h Remailers Is THat They Strip Away
YourAbility To Do Our UtmostBest To Fight
Terror IWill Continue To PrioritizeAction To
Monitor InternetUse Without Notifying
ThePerson In Question It Is ATechnical
Newsgroup ForThe Best Ways ToDiscourage
UnwantedPosting ThroughRemailerslike
OtherOwners Of Internet CafesSavoni Had
To Obtain A NewPublic